Wednesday, November 11, 2009

GREEN Holiday Ideas...

Wrap your gifts this Season with recycled newspaper! Grandpa George inspired this Holiday Tradition many years ago. Brett & I began RE-USING the Tradition 8+ years ago and Baby George opened his FIRST Christmas present wrapped in newspaper! Be Green & Save Green!

1 comment:

    Thanks for sharing Malaika Fraley!!!

    Save the world

    Those who can find the way to Menlo Park qualify for a green giveaway from the offices of the California Geological Survey at the U.S. Geological Survey -- free maps for wrapping up holiday gifts.

    The colorful maps, which contain green for forests and red for cities, are 24 by 30 inches and otherwise are headed for landfill because they're outdated, so don't use them to find the way home from Menlo Park. (The CGS does have current maps and other potential gifts for sale, starting at $6.)

    According to the Sierra Club, if every family wrapped just three gifts this way, it would save enough paper to cover 45,000 football fields.

    CGS-USGS Maps office: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mon.-Fri. 345 Middlefield Road, Menlo Park., (650) 688-6327.
